Act Now or Never

Act Now Or Never

  • Unleashing Potential: Building Supportive and Inclusive Workplaces for Peak Mental Wellbeing

    The workplace – a launchpad for careers, a source of purpose, and sometimes… a pressure cooker. While it fuels ambition, it can also simmer stress and mental health concerns. But what if we reframed the narrative? Imagine workplaces prioritizing mental well-being, fostering not just productivity but thriving individuals. Intriguing, right? The Paradox of Productivity: When… Continue reading

  • Rediscovering the Art of Living

    “To live is the rarest thing of all; most people just exist.” -Oscar Wilde In a world that often races past us, consumed by the demands of everyday existence, a poignant quote beckons us to reflect on the essence of our lives:  “To live is the rarest thing of all; most people just exist.”  In… Continue reading

  • Coping strategies to Handle Panic Attacks

    Have you ever been so troubled by your thoughts that the anxiety builds up to a point where you cannot catch your breath or feel like you’re losing control? Feeling like you cannot deal with what’s happening at the moment? This is precisely how a panic attack feels like.  Panic attack Before diving into the… Continue reading

  • Do you Cry when you are ‘You’?

    Well, What if there was an award for being original? Do you think anyone will ever achieve it? Well, I don’t. Do you remember the last time you did not apply a face mask to hide your scars, or do you remember a day when you did not wear a cap to hide your hair?… Continue reading

  • The Symphony of Silence: Why Solitude is the Secret Weapon of the Modern Mind

    We live in a world overflowing with noise. From buzzing notifications to the constant stream of social media updates, alone time can feel like a rare and precious commodity. But what if I told you that solitude isn’t just a break from the chaos – it’s a superpower waiting to be unleashed? Beyond Introverts: Why… Continue reading

  • Chaos to Creativity- Dealing with ADHD

    ADHD, you might have heard this term before, but what exactly is it? Well, ADHD stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It’s something that affects the way people think, behave, and learn. We all have distractions and puzzles in our lives, but for a person with ADHD, there are more distractions, making it hard for… Continue reading

  • To kill a Mockingbird- Wisdom for better Humanity

    Since I was a little girl, books have been my sanctuary, my refuge from the world’s chaos. As I grew up, my love for literature deepened, and with each book, I found solace and the opportunity to live countless lives within the pages. However, it wasn’t until the age of 14 that I stumbled upon… Continue reading

  • Nurturing mental wellbeing- Celebrating Holi

    HOLI – The festival of colours. It is not just about the vibrant colours or joyous times we spend but also about self-empowerment and mental and spiritual growth. Just as we immerse ourselves in the joyous splashes of this occasion, it is crucial to understand how Holi embraces our mental health and affects us on… Continue reading

  • Being Mindful

    What if someone comes up to you and asks you a truly wonderful question: Do you like your life? Well, most of us would not even properly know the answer so we would say that we love our life. This is because this question is asked amidst the times when we are not going through… Continue reading

  • The Hidden Engine- Unleashing Your Mind’s Superpower

    Hello, fellow dream-chasers! Today, let’s chat about something pretty cool – the secret superpower hidden in your mind, known as the subconscious. Don’t worry; we’re not diving into anything too complicated; it’s as simple as your favorite bedtime story. All right, so what’s this subconscious thing? Think of it like your mind’s backstage worker. It’s… Continue reading

About Me

ANON stands for “Act Now Or Never.” It is an NGO based in India, primarily focusing on training school children on matters of mental health and life skills. Anon was founded in 2019 by Ms. Arti Girdhar.


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